NemKonto – A new modernised website

NemKonto, is a bank account that is your assigned account to receive payments from the Danish public authorities. All residents and companies require a NemKonto in Denmark. Digitaliseringsstyrelsen – the Digital Agency of Denmark – approached us at Charlie Tango to design and develop a new website for to help inform and educate Danish citizens and companies on their NemKonto.
NemKonto, is a bank account that is your assigned account to receive payments from the Danish public authorities. All residents and companies require a NemKonto in Denmark. Digitaliseringsstyrelsen – the Digital Agency of Denmark – approached us at Charlie Tango to design and develop a new website for to help inform and educate Danish citizens and companies on their NemKonto.
NemKonto, is a bank account that is your assigned account to receive payments from the Danish public authorities. All residents and companies require a NemKonto in Denmark. Digitaliseringsstyrelsen – the Digital Agency of Denmark – approached us at Charlie Tango to design and develop a new website for to help inform and educate Danish citizens and companies on their NemKonto.
NemKonto, is a bank account that is your assigned account to receive payments from the Danish public authorities. All residents and companies require a NemKonto in Denmark. Digitaliseringsstyrelsen – the Digital Agency of Denmark – approached us at Charlie Tango to design and develop a new website for to help inform and educate Danish citizens and companies on their NemKonto.
The objective was to develop a new and contemporary platform for NemKonto, that would work responsively, have multilingual support, and have an updated visual identity unique to the site – while still adhere with Det Fælles Designsystem, utilised in other public sector websites in Denmark. We approached the task with a modern approach to ensure that the website would work responsively on mobile devices and comply with WCAG 2.1 standards. The new design and layout successfully met all of these requirements, resulting in an evolved and polished online presence for NemKonto.

The original website (depicted in the first image) had various content, navigational, and accessibility issues. Therefore we worked on simplifying the site to become an informational site where citizens could gather more information on their NemKonto. The project expanded 3 weeks – and I worked in collaboration with a UX designer to map out a new information architecture, create userflows, personas, and a new digital identity for the website.

Based on the existing design elements of NemKonto, I created a new design system and identity for the website. This encompassed the strategic development of foundational elements including color palettes, typography styles, and iconography. Additionally, I undertook the design of intricate digital components such as buttons, imagery, and diverse page types and layouts, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing user experience throughout the website.

The revamped website now serves as a reliable resource for users, catering more to the needs of Danish citizens and companies seeking more information about their NemKonto. Through this project, we transformed it into an informative hub that offers a more seamless browsing experience. You can visit the live site at

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